Social networks were created to allow people to communicate at a distance, but today they actually divide people, put up impenetrable walls of advertising and content that people did not ask for. What used to be a communication tool has now become a time-stealing and dulling tool. Everything turned upside down. What a blessing it is to see in the feed only those people you follow…

In addition, social networks only deliver stress with the feeling of time slipping through your fingers: You have literally a few hours to see a post before it is swallowed up by the abyss.

Substack is something really new to me and it feels like old school. I can hardly reduce my time on the Internet, but I can definitely replace unnecessary content with interesting reading.

Thank you!

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As an introvert, social media was initially a great way for me to connect with people, but you're right that it's now evolved into this timesink that desensitizes me.

It's already hard for me to see earnest efforts anymore-- many posts I see on Instagram and a little bit on Tumblr just register as attention-grabs.

That's not to say there isn't great work out there, but that it's usually made by people who have clearly not been lulled by any algorithm. You're among this shrinking group.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is old school, then I'm cheerfully old school! I'm looking forward to this - there's something relaxing and comfortable about it, like something you want to read in a quiet space and time, and really absorb.

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Exactly. Something to mull over without the habit of scrolling to the next thing. I'm glad you're here!

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Thank you for starting this blog. I found your YouTube channel and think you do an amazing job of teaching how to take photos of toys, esp. LEGO minifigs, as well as going in-depth on technique. Subscribed!

Reading this post, I feel like I never missed anything by avoiding Instagram. I am on Flickr (also subbed to that channel), and I prefer that platform to those that try to push content that I may not be interested in. I also deactivated most of my socials because I need less noise in my life and more time pursuing hobbies away from a screen - like photography (well, until I start editing, but that requires my brain to do work).

I already enjoy your photography and instructional vids. I look forward to your inspiration and guidance.

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Flickr is still the best for me as well, for the reason you mentioned.

I feel like fellow LEGO photographers who started on Instagram won't really be able to appreciate the lack of push from Flickr. It's their experience from the get-go: that addiction to metrics and the algorithm nudging them to keep creating non-stop.

I started on Flickr and Tumblr so I'm immune to all that nonsense, I guess. We're lucky that we have Flickr around!

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Thank You for this....l'm being playing with LEGO for 40+ years though I only started doing photography 10 months ago. It's been a struggle to actively follo2 people whose work I like as you pointed out.

I've also discovered over the last month or so that I enjoy creating a narrative or snip of lore for my pics, which definitely doesn't seem to fit with Instagram...I need to definitely do more with Tumblr.

I'm also curious to learn about this site. Thanks for introducing it to us.

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Hi Steven! I'm glad you've discovered this place as well. It's a good place to gather your thoughts and consume other people's thoughts.

I'd say a narrative is well-suited to Tumblr but their audience skews younger. However, they appreciate art more and have little tolerance for gimmicks.

Instagrammers don't tend to read captions or delve deeper. I mean, it is what it is: superficial. But we all knew that going in.

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I'm looking forward to these newsletters and getting to know (really know) some other creative photographers. Just basic slow information but essential information, nice going!

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