Aug 12Liked by Four Bricks Tall

This should be required reading.

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Thanks for reading!

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Aug 12Liked by Four Bricks Tall

“It must be nice… to be featured in Take Better Toy Photos” ;) But seriously, it is!!!

Thank you so much once again for the opportunity and wonderful assignment.

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You're welcome! It's just a little shoutout here-- I'm planning to include more of your work in Stud Shooters Monthly in Sep.

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Wow, I can came up with so many “It must be nice” variations from my point of view here in country at war. Jokes aside, I even didn’t know this phrase before, perhaps because of translation issues. So strange thing, this behavior. I love people less and less.

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In your case, totally fair.

Social media brings out a lot of negative behavior in regular people.

While it's normal to feel some envy-- even useful as a motivator-- I'm surprised that more people don't catch themselves before projecting it online passive-aggressively.

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