I had my own photoblog back in the earth 2000s and participated in the early forms of SoMe like weekly shot and such. Forums were great for sharing content, ideas, and feedback. Instagram was an easy solution where lots of people moved to. It was good until FB got involved. I feel like threads is just more of the same—owned by Meta… it’s just another Avenue to allow something free and needed until it grabs a majority of interaction them they will monetize it and it’ll turn into the inevitable outcome of any third party - money and consumerism. I have my own website, but the amount of people and opportunities it has created are very minimal. I don’t know what the answer is with platforms and content submissions, but I do know I love to create and publish the content to help bring some good into a predominantly more negative environment that SoMe has evolved into.

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I have so many questions on this I don't know where to start - or if this is the right place to ask them...

I've been playing with WordPress for a while now, and before that I had websites here and there, but I never understood the importance of RSS - honestly, I still don't. There isn't actually a question here, I know. Just a mental note to myself to learn more about it...

The way Instagram works have been bothering me for quite some time. There are some great photographers I follow, and I see their pictures less and less because I don't "interact" with them. Instead there are ads and videos I might like. So the idea of combining many platforms and reaching them from one place sounds intriguing. On the other hand, like you mentioned in the article, my whole photography presence is on Instagram. Always have been, because that's how I started toy photography.

I'm questioning myself whether I should have a separate website for it, or if I should integrate it to my existing blog page. And right now, I can't answer that. However, being stuck inside the walls you mentioned doesn't feel right.

Anyway, thank you for enlightening people like me (who has very little idea of what's going on in the virtual world :) ). You made me ask myself a lot of serious questions.

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